Getting your RO ready for freezing temperatures is important to keep it working well when warmer weather returns. Not all parts of your system are built to handle extreme cold, so be sure to follow the steps below for the best winterizing practices.
Supplies Needed: Towel, New Filters (when setting back up)
Click each section to expand directions.
Preparing for Cold Temperatures
1. First, you'll need to close the cold water supply valve under your sink, and open/turn on the reverse osmosis faucet. You'll leave the faucet open/on until the storage tank empties - feel free to bottle this water as it flows out if you'd like.
2. Once the tank empties, go ahead and begin removing the hoses from your system. Use your towel to catch any leftover water during this part. To remove the hoses from the manifold, you'll need to push IN on the colored collet, and pull OUT on the hose:
3. If you see any bends or loops in the hoses, you'll need to straighten them to allow any water to drain out. The hoses can stay onsite during freezing temperatures.
4. Now you can unscrew the yellow hose from the top of the storage tank. Grab the storage tank and tip it upside down in your sink for several minutes to ensure all the water drains out. The storage tank can stay onsite during freezing temperatures.
5. Go ahead and remove the filters from the manifold by grabbing a hold of each one and twisting it counter-clockwise or to the left (depending on your unit pictured below). Reusing filters that previously contained water isn't recommended due to potential bacteria growth in the media so you'll want to discard them and get new ones when setting it up again later.
6. Last prep step here. The manifold contains small internal parts and channels that can harbor water, making this an important part to take with you and store somewhere warm for the season to reduce risk of ice expansion.
Setting Your System Back Up
1. Once you're ready to set your system back up again you can go ahead and return the manifold to its position under the sink.
2. You can reconnect the hoses now. Be sure to push them completely into the collets.
3. You'll install your new filters at this time. Once new filters are installed, you'll need to sanitize and purge the system. Once that's complete, you're good to go!
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